Atopic dermatitis is a
characteristic chronically recurrent form of dermatitis with a hereditary
predisposition, affecting infants and may extend to the childhood or to
the adult age.
Fig. 158. Atopic dermatitis
(Three sisters & Two brothers)
Atopy : is a genetic
predisposition to form excessive IgE antibodies. The reaction may manifest
with one or more of immunologic reaction such as eczema, asthma, hay
fever, and conjunctivitis.
In 1925 Coca introduced
the term "Atopy" to signify the tendency to develop allergies to
food and inhalant substances as manifested by skin reaction, asthma and
hay fever on a hereditary bases.
Atopic dermatitis is
considered by some authors as: atopic eczema, allergic eczema, infantile
eczema, disseminated neurodermatitis.
Specific Features of
Atopic Dermatitis
Atopic persons have
certain specific features:
Typical immunoglobulin
Unique vascular
This includes:
White dermograhism, which
is blanching of the skin at the site of stroking of an atopic patient.
Diminished response to
serotenin injection.Injection of serotenin in normal individuals will
produce erythema without wheal reaction, while in atopic patients there is
diminished or absence of skin response to serotenin injection.
Susceptibility to
certain infections.
Alteration of
response to cold and heat. The digits of atopic patients cool more
rapidly in a cold environment and rewarmed slowly in a hot environment.
Different Clinical Types
of Atopic Dermatitis
The clinical
manifestation and management of atopic dermatitis varies according to the
different age groups.
Atopic dermatitis may be
divided according to the age of onset into three types:
Infantile atopic
Childhood atopic
dermatitis (from four to ten years)
Adult atopic
(Infantile Eczema)
Infantile eczema is the
most common form of dermatitis which begins usually before the age of six
months or may appear later in childhood or in adult age.It is estimated that
more than 3% of infants and about 25% of children are affected between the
age of three and twelve years.
Fig.160. Acute infantile eczema
Fig. 159a. Chronic
eczema(Severe & uncommon type)
159b. Infantile
eczema(Severe & uncommon type)
Fig. 160a. After
Infantile eczema (Same patient above) after one week
treatment with nonsteroid topical
ointment(Flogocid),Antihistamine drops(Fenistil) and
Erythromycin suspension.
Fig.160b. .Infantile eczema (widespread lesions, This type was
exacerbated by food mainly cereals, "Cerelac", eggs, black
olives , chocolate..)
Fig.160c. Atopic dermatitis with secondary
bacterial infection
Fig. 160d. Atopic dermatitis (after treatment)
Skin manifestations appear after birth
between two months to two years of age. In atopic dermatitis there is
usually a hereditary predisposition with a familial history of atopy with
urticaria, hay fever or asthma.
Different factors have an
important role in the etiology of infantile eczema.
predisposition and hereditary factors are the most important in the
predisposition and etiology of infantile eczema. Usually there is a
familial history of eczema, asthma, urticaria or hay fever.
Foodstuffs and food
additives have also an important effect. Usually food eczema begins
during the first year of life. Allergy to food proteins is found
Fig. 161. Chronic infantile eczema |
Fig. 162. Chronic infantile eczema
![](DSC02193_small.JPG) Fig.
162. Chronic infantile eczema-Excoriated lesions due to
severe scratching which may lead to scarring of the
area. (Active
early treatment and breaking the viscious circle of itching by antihistamine and
using gloves for the infant will prevent such scarring.) |
in the
majority of cases. The most common foodstuff that may exacerbate or
initiate atopic dermatitis are:
Ingestants such
as milk, egg
white, wheat, cereals, orange.
Food allergy should be
suspected in infant who manifests with regurgitation of food, vomiting and
colic after feeding.
Food coloring or other
additives such as tartrazine may also have an important role.
due to inhalation of dust wool, feathers, dander from birds, pet
animals such as cats and dogs. Atopic eczema beginning after the age of
two years is usually more related to other factors such as wool,
feathers rather than to food .
Human dandruff is also
blamed, and this is why scratching and other manifestations of eczema
exacerbate as soon as the affected infant begins to suck his mothers
breast or during fondling by others due to sensitization from scalp
There is great diversity
in the nature of airborne reactions, which may be irritant, allergic,
phototoxic, photo allergic and contact urticarial. Some irritants may
cause more than one type of reaction.
Dermatitis from wood dust
normally starts on the eyelids or the lower half of the face, often
preceded by itching. Swelling and redness spread to the neck, hands and
forearms. Because of the accumulation of dust and sweat the elbow flexures
and the skin under a tight collar are more lichenified.
Swelling and redness of
the eyelids may be the only signs of recurrence. Similar patterns of
airborne dermatitis may be seen with type I allergens, such as with house
dust mite in atopic patients, who become exposed to volatile contact
allergens, such as epoxy resin or to airborne irritants
Other manifestations such
as hay fever, asthma, rhinitis, conjunctivitis and urticaria may be
associated with the skin lesion.
Exacerbating factors
Exacerbation of the
eczematous lesion may be due to:
- |
immunization for small pox or diphtheria.
- |
During teeth eruption.
- |
erythroderma reaction with exfoliation and oozing skin surface, which
accompany some cases such as seborrheic dermatitis.
- |
Infections: secondary
bacterial, fungal or viral infection of the eczematized lesions.
- |
Following severe
systemic bacterial or viral infections such as measles.
- |
Eczema herpeticum due
to herpes simplex virus may be transmitted directly to the abraded skin
surface from the mother during breast feeding, fondling or from others
during kissing.
- |
Eczema vaccinatum: due
to vaccinia virus is another serious viral secondary infection to the
atopic patient. This can be transmitted from recently immunized
individuals with the small pox vaccine.
- |
Decreased immunity.
- |
Severe scratching and
excoriation of the lesion.
- |
After stopping oral or
potent topical steroids.
The atopic patient
should not be immunized against small poxv when having an active
skin lesion and this should be postponed till complete healing of the
skin lesions.
Contacts having an
active viral infection such as herpes labialise or recently immunized
with small pox vaccine should be kept away from the atopic patient with
abraded eczematous skin lesion.
Skin manifestations
The distribution of the
skin lesion is not always characteristic in infants.
Skin lesions affect cheeks, neck,
flexural, popliteal areas and antecubital areas.
Erythematous patches
appear with minute vesicles, which later become moist oozing and crusted
Secondary infection
that is presenting with pustules and crusts is very common, predisposed by the
abraded skin surface and severe itching.
The infant becomes
irritable, always crying and rubbing his skin severely. This vicious
circle of itching-excoriation may lead to more complications after healing
such as skin scarring.
The skin lesion may
extend to involve the cradle cap area and the scalp presenting with
crusted oozing vesicular patches.
Systemic manifestations
Erythroderma and
constitutional symptoms such as fever, vomiting, abdominal colic and
diarrhea are common in severe cases of infantile eczema.
abnormalities in atopic dermatitis
Elevated serum
IGE in most atopic patients.
T-cell function with increases susceptibility to different skin
incidence of allergic contact dermatitis in atopic patients.
Decrease in
the number of CD8+suppressor T-cell which lead to high ratio of CD4+
to CD8+
Increase of
IL-4 and IL-5"TH2" producing cells leading to increase the
circulating IgE and at the same time decrease in the
interferon-y(IFNy) where there is decline in IgE inhibition and
decline in cell-mediated immunity.
Impairement of
fatty acids metabolism characterize children with atopic
colonization of atopic patients with S.aureus.
cell-mediated hypersensitivity to house dust mite antigen.
phosphodiastrase in atopic patients that lead to subnormal levels of
AMP. This lead to increase histamine release, a reduction of
suppressor T-cells and increased IgE production.
Course of infantile
The course is variable
but usually the lesion improves or even disappears by the end of the
second year. There is a tendency of recurrence in childhood or later in
the adult age, where the manifestations are less severe and dry.
Diagnosis of Infantile
The clinical picture and
the distribution of lesions are characteristic.
Skin tests may be
misleading and give false reactions in the early age groups.
These tests are usually
positive after the fourth month of age and should not to be requested
routinely. They are expensive, unreliable, embarrassing for the infants
and sometimes give false reactions. Certain foodstuff may be eliminated
from the infant meal according to these tests which may be crucial for
his growth.
This clinical type of
atopic dermatitis is present in children after the fourth year of age. The
lesions are usually less acute than that of the infantile type of atopic
dermatitis. The lesions in childhood eczema are mainly eczematized,
excoriated and may be lichenified.
A very characteristic
feature of this type of eczema is its tendency to spread far from its
point of origin, especially when the primary site of the eczema is on the
legs or the feet. Dissemination is often preceded by an exacerbation by
inflammation at the primary site.
Clinical manifestations
Eczema in childhood is
less acute. Oozing is less and the lesions are usually dry. The primary
lesion is erythematous acutely inflamed. The eruption increases in
severity and may be accompanied by generalized erythema and exfoliation of
the skin surface.
Fig. 163. Chronic Childhood atopic dermatitis |
Fig. 164. Childhood atopic dermatitis
(Typical distribution) |
The most common sites
involved are the ante-cubital, popliteal fossa, wrist and around the neck.
Fig. 163. Chronic
Childhood atopic dermatitis
Fig. 164c. Childhood atopic dermatitis
(Typical distribution)
Lichenifecation and
scaling due to continuous scratching is a predominant feature in childhood
The secondary eruption
first presents with small edematous papules. These soon become obviously
eczematous, grouped papulovesicles, which may become confluent in small
Occasionally the lesions take the form of
red macules or wheal and usually have a symmetrical distribution.
The course of the
secondary eruption depends largely on the progress of the primary lesion.
Dissemination may occur due to contact with an external allergen,
ingestion or injection of an allergen or conditioned hyper-irritability.
Heavily infected eczema
will sometimes disseminate in the absence of demonstrable allergic
sensitivity to topical medicaments. It is probable that allergy to
bacteria or their products sometimes play an important factor in the
dissemination of eczema.
Fig. 165. Childhood atopic dermatitis |
Fig. 166. Chronic atopic dermatitis |
Fig. 167. Acute atopic dermatitis |
Fig. 168. Childhood atopic dermatitis
(Typical sites) |
Sensitizers in childhood
Sensitization by
foodstuffs such as milk, egg white and wheat is less in childhood atopic
There is an increased
liability to sensitization to inhalants in childhood with pollens and
contact with wool, animals such as cats and dog‘s hair.
Sensitivity to wool is
the most common and this explains the recurrence of the eczematous lesions
each winter. Sensitization to different materials such as metals in
jewelry, ragweed is more in atopic patients than in normal individuals.
Treatment of Infantile
and Childhood Atopic Dermatitis
Topical and systemic
medications should be used with much care in the young age groups. Toxins
and chemical ingredients included in the topical preparations may be
easily absorbed from the abraded skin surface adding more unwanted side
There is nothing
that destroys the confidence of the atopic patient more than
prescribing medications which were used by the patient and proved to be
ineffective. It is wise before prescribing any medication to ask
thoroughly about other medications used by the patient.
General measures
Atopic dermatitis when
handled in a proper way can be easily controlled. In most cases the skin
problem usually disappears towards the end of the second year or even
The mother should have a
thorough idea about atopic dermatitis, causes, prognosis and exaggerating
The skin of infants and
children is very sensitive and the physiochemical properties of their skin
should be kept within the optimum conditions. The child‘s skin is
thinner than that of adults, skin furrows are less deep and have more
vellus hairs, which keep the cutaneous follicles more open.
The sebum on the surface
of the infants skin begins to decrease in the first few months. These
factors will lead all to increase in the susceptibility to infection,
increased permeability and sensitivity to detergents and other toxic
The skin has an acid pH
(Potential Hydrogen) which ranges from 4.2-5.6.
The pH is measured on a
scale ranging from 0 to 14. The center of the scale, 7, is neutral
(neither acid nor alkaline). A reading above 7 indicates that the
substance is alkaline, below 7, is acidic.
The pH varies from one
part of the body to another and according to the age and sex (The pH of
males is more acidic than females). That plays an important role in
skin-surface bacteriostasis.
Strong acidic or alkaline
soaps or shampoos especially those containing perfumes or coloring
chemicals may revert the pH of the skin surface and may cause more dryness
of the skin predisposing to eczematization or infection.
The skin of infants and
children needs usually only gentle cleaning with "non soaps "
which is synthetic detergents and applying mild natural or synthetic
emollient. Mild emollients are saturated triglycerides, long chain alcohol
(stearyl, cetyl) or polyethylene glycol or glycosaminoglycan products.
The normal child should
take a bath once every two days.
The period of bathing
should not take more than 5 minuets for an infant and not more than 10
minuets for a child. The napkin area can be cleaned gently when required
with mild soap and drying of the area better with soft cotton towels,
cloth or with soft tissue paper free of perfumes. Vegetable oils such as
olive oil or petroleum jelly can be added in case when the skin is dry.
Perfumed foam bath should
not be used, Potassium permanganate solution1: 9000 may be added as an
antiseptic in infected skin lesions or bran extract to very sensitive skin
or an emollient.
Cleansing of the newborn
should be in a gentle and non-traumatic way.
It is important not to
use harsh and strong shampoo but the scalp can be cleansed by very mild
baby shampoo.
Cradle cap in the newborn
can be washed easily . If the layers of crust are thick, these can be removed
using warm vegetable oil such as warm olive oil soaks to the area and then
very gently combed.
Children have protective
lipids less than those of adults, so cream soaps are recommended
especially those containing emollients as well as non-soap preparation.
In short the soaps used
for infants and children should have the following properties:
Should have an acid pH
or pH balanced
Without color or
Must not contain
substances that can cross or react with common allergens nor contain substances
metabolized by cutaneous microflora.
Should have the
property of hydrating the skin.
Perfumes should not be
applied directly on the skin of the child, but mild ones and liquid types
can be put on the clothing before dressing the child.
Bathing of the newborn
and infants especially in cases with atopic dermatitis should be gentle using
a soft sponge. Rubbing or using plastic or harsh sponges may lead to more
excoriations, irritation and itching.
Different ingredients may
be added to the bath according to the type of the skin lesion. Antiseptic
solution such as potassium permanganate 1: 9000 may be used for infected
Emollient baths: prepared
with olive or other plant oils can be used for the dry skin lesions.
Emollient baths are used
to lubricate dry skin lesions. These are mainly lanolin, liquid paraffin
or mineral oils as olive oil. Care should be taken not to keep these
emollients for a long time on the skin because of possibility of their
occlusion of the skin surface encouraging anaerobes to grow on the
occluded skin surface or cause sweat retention
Colloid baths
- are
soothing baths used for itchy skin lesions and can absorb hydrophilic and
lipophilic substances.
Colloid baths are
powders, as oatmeal should be mixed well with water in order not to cake
causing more abrasion to the child‘s skin.
The type of soap or
shampoo used for infants and children should be mild and has
"tensid," a substance having the characteristic of hydrophilic
and lipophylic property leading to gentle cleaning of the skin surface.
Cleaning of the skin can
be safely done with gauze soaked in olive oil especially if the area is
Clothing: overheating the
skin of the infant by heavy clothing is not always recommended . In cold
weather, moderate dressing is recommended.
If there is any doubt
that woolen clothes cause flare up of the condition, cotton long sleeve
and trouser dressings should be worn under the woolen ones. Care should be
also taken concerning socks. Woolen or polyester socks may cause
exacerbation of the skin lesion.
Jewels - gold, nickel,
chromate and other metals can cause contact dermatitis. Sodium chloride in
the sweat may combine with the metal and may cause contact dermatitis and
black discoloration with silver jewels.
Infant bedroom: Woolen or
feather pillows and covers should be avoided due to possibility of
The floor of the bedroom
is preferred to be of tiles or wood. Carpets, indoor plants and roses are
better avoided in the infant‘s bedroom.
Pets: dogs, cat, birds,
and rabbits should be kept away.
Feeding: over feeding is
not recommended. Eczema due to foodstuffs usually begins during the first
year. Routine elimination of eggs, wheat (cereals), juices or changing
breast-feeding to bottle feeding is considered as unwise step unless there is
strong supporting data that such type of food is confirmed to trigger and
precipitate an allergic reaction.
When foodstuffs are
blamed as a causative factor, skin test can be considered. Milk, eggs and
wheat are the most common.
Food substitute for milk
is soya beans emulsion, for wheat, oatmeal, boiled rice, soya bean flour
or corn flakes.
Fondling of the atopic
infant may sometimes exaggerate his skin problem as by the cosmetics such
as that of
the lipstick, make up or by the moustache or scalp hair.
Perfumes: these are
better applied to the external clothes before dressing the infant. Liquid
perfumes are preferred instead of spray perfumes especially in very
sensitive infants.
Topical medications
The most important line
of treatment in atopic dermatitis is to relieve itching. Covering the
hands of the infant by cotton gauze or using special cotton gloves besides
topical and systemic preparations
Topical preparations
Oozing wet eczema should
be dried by Potassium permanganate 1: 9000 compresses. Sterile gauze
soaked in the solution applied gently on the area for several times
avoiding harsh or vigorous rubbing.
Lotions are used for the
oozing surface.
Creams are applied for
subacute cases that are less wet.
Ointments containing mild
corticosteroid (Elocom) can be applied for the dry lesi
topical preperations are the first line of treatment in infantile
atopic dermatitis.Corticosteroids should be reserved for the most
severe,reluctant types of atopic dermatitis when the non-steroidal
preperation fail to clear the lesions.
The most effective
and safe antisteroidal topical preperations are Pufexamac (
Droxaryl or
Flogocid )andTacrolimus (Protopic cream).
There is a continual search in dermatology for more
selective anti-inflammatory drugs to replace broad spectrum steroids.
Tacrolimus (FK506), which is related to cyclosporin, is a powerful
immune suppressor that was introduced to reduce organ transplant
rejection. Like cyclosporin, it has been used systemically to treat
psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, and pyoderma gangrenosum.
Unlike cyclosporin, tacrolimus seems to be effective
when applied topically. Initial open trials suggest that over 90% of
children and adults rapidly achieve at least good improvement of
atopic dermatitis. There is no systemic accumulation. Adverse effects
occur in about half but are transient and are predominantly burning
and erythema at the application site
Tacrolimus (Protopic
cream): is a non-steroid topical preperation .This is safe and effective
in eczematous skin condition mainly atopic dermatitis.The drug prooved
recently to be effective in vitilligo.Tacrolimus ointment is a
steroid-free topical immunomodulator developed for the treatment of atopic
dermatitis, a common, chronic inflammatory skin disease. By inhibiting
T-cell activation and cytokine production, topically applied tacrolimus
modulates inflammatory responses in the skin. Numerous clinical trials
have shown that it is effective and well tolerated for the treatment of
atopic dermatitis, its licensed indication. In addition, numerous
publications suggest that tacrolimus ointment may provide effective
treatment for a variety of other inflammatory skin disorders, many of
which are very difficult to manage with standard therapy.
Fluorinated or potent
steroids should be avoided.
If the area is infected,
a combination of steroid and antibiotics such as Gentamycin or Sodium
Fucidate (Decoderm or Fucicort) is recommended for few days.
Topical preparations may
loose their efficacy when used for a long time or when applied repeatedly
by the patient. This may be due to an acquired resistance against the
ingredients or due to a psychogenic factor, where the patient or his
family looses faith in that preparation because it couldn‘t cure the
condition dramatically and permanently.
Topical preparations
containing anti-histamine, Neomycin, Sulfa or Penicillin medications
should not be used due to the possibility of local sensitization
especially when used for prolonged periods.
Systemic medications
Antibiotics: systemic
antibiotics can be given if there is secondary bacterial infections, which
usually accompany most excoriated eczematized lesions. Erythrocin,
Zithromax or Cephalosporin are effective medications. It should be noted
that Cephalosporin has cross reactivity with Penicillin and there fore
should not be given to patients sensitive to penicillin.
Corticosteroids: Oral or
parental corticosteroids are given under strict conditions for infants and
young children. All possible medications should be given first before
planning to give systemic corticosteroids for these young age groups.
antihistamines whether in drops or in syrup form can be given to relieve
Extra care should be taken
into consideration to adjust the optimum doses and to use the suitable and
a safe antihistamine.
It is of prime importance
to instruct the mother to abide strictly with the instructions concerning
doses in order not to abuse, misuse, repeat or change medications, unless
indicated by the treating physician.
Skin lesions usually need
time to clear and respond to medication. Therefore the family of the
patient should have reasonable patience. Shifting from one clinic to
another may do more unwanted side effects where some physicians may give
potent unnecessary medications to prove that they are more experienced
than those previously consulted by the patient and that will be a greedy
act on the expense of the patient‘s health.
Atopic dermatitis in
these age groups is less acute and affecting usually the sites involved
during the childhood. The main immunological abnormalities are excessive
formation of IgE with a predisposition to anaphylactic sensitivity and
some decrease in delayed cell-mediated hypersensitivity.
Different sensitizing
agents may have an important role in adult atopic dermatitis, and can be
detected by skin tests or by exclusion methods.
Such types of foods may
include the following :
Dairy products, eggs,
seafood, wheat, nuts, beverages as coffee, tea, lemon, mango, strawberry,
canned foods and many others. Coloring and preservatives of food may have
an important role.
Nervous tension, stress
and continuous fatigue are important predisposing factors for atopic
Fig.169. Adult atopic dermatitis |
Fig. 170. Chronic adult dermatitis |
Atopic patients are more
susceptible to respiratory tract, viral infections, and eye complications
as lens opacity and cataract.
General Features of Adult
Atopic Dermatitis
The clinical picture
tends to be localized and drier.
The skin lesions are
usually localized pruritic and lichenified patches that present as
erythematous scaly excoriated and with well demarcated edges.
The patches involve
mainly the neck, flexures, popliteal and antecubital fossa.
Pruritus is severe in
some cases that may lead to more excoriation of the lesions and predispose
to secondary bacterial infection.
Clinical Manifestations
Skin lesions varies from
papular, vesicular, erythematous or dry lichenified pruritic patches,
affecting the front and sides of the neck, forehead, wrists, hands,
antecubital, popliteal and the lower limbs.
Skin lesions may become
confluent forming dry, lichenified, hyperpigmented plaques.
Severe scratching is the
main distressing symptom, which may cause more exaggeration and
complication, leading to sweat retention, secondary bacterial and fungal
Nervous tension and
psychosomatic disorders have an important role in exacerbating the
condition and increasing the severity of itching.
Eye changes: lens
Upper respiratory tract
Susceptibility to
bacterial and viral infections such as herpes labials.
Atopic dermatitis can be
diagnosed by different criteria mainly:
- The clinical
Past history of the
skin lesions on the sites of predilection in infancy and childhood.
Familial tendency of
cases of atopic dermatitis
Skin tests: To spot
the offending allergen.
Scratch and intradermal
skin test can be done in the childhood or adult age to determine some but
not always all the suspected factors. Care should be taken into
consideration when performing these tests, during reading and
interpretation for recording true positive reaction and to exclude any
false positive tests.
Management of Adult
Atopic Dermatitis
General measures:
Elimination and exclusion
of the blamed type of the suspected foodstuff and that may help to relieve
the skin problem.
A special type of food
regime can be tried for one month as:
Potato, rice, squash,
string beans, carrots, and lamb meat. Colored and preserved foods due to
Benzoate, Salicylates in unripe fruits, cereals, are better avoided.
If this type of regime
will help, the patient can continue on adding other new type of food for
some days and if there is no exacerbation of the condition this means that
the new added food has no sensitization effect at least at this stage.
Beverages like cola, coffee, tea drinks should be avoided.
Pollens: these may have
an important effect especially in cases accompanied by hay fever or
asthma. It is recommended that the patient should keep away from areas of
shrubs, roses or grasses.
Septic foci: bacterial,
fungal or viral infections should be treated when spotted.
Household furniture and
paints or articles as carpets, rags, internal plantations, bedding as
pillows containing feather or wool may also have an effect.
Analgesics: such as
acetyl salicylic should be avoided.
Excessive bathing and
rubbing especially with perfumed and colored soaps cause more dryness to
the skin leading to axacerbation of the skin problem. Dry skin tends to be
worse in winter especially in dry tropical environments.
Nervous tension and
psychosomatic disorders have an important role in adult atopic dermatitis.
Reassurance is very important, the patient has to relax and some cases
need the advice of psychotherapist, which may be of good help for the
patients general mood as well as the relief of his skin problem.
Systemic Treatment
Antihistamines -
Extensive and widespread patches need antihistamine taken orally to relieve
itching which is distressing in most cases.
New generation
antihistamines are recommended such as Astemazole (Hismanal) or Loratidine
Citrizine (Zyrtec). This
preparation is of value for cases associated with nervous tension but this
antihistamine should be given cautiously since it has little sedating
effect especially when exceeding the recommended usual dose.
Some times we may need to
double the dose of an antihistamine or to combine it with another
histamine from another family group.
Topical Treatment
Atopic dermatitis in
adulthood is usually of the dry type so ointments containing mild steroid
in an emollient base may be enough to control small-localized lesions.
Corticosteroid ointment in combination with salicylic acid (Locosalene,
diprosalic) are used for dry lesions.
Hydration of the skin is
helpful, using non-sensitizing moisturizing preparation especially after
bathing or during winter and in dry tropical areas.
Cases complicated by
secondary bacterial infection require oral antibiotics such as erythrocin
and a topical steroid cream combined with antibiotic as Gentamycin with
Betamathesone valerate or other fluorinated corticosteroid (Celestoderm v
with Garamycin or Decoderm).
Local sensitization to lanolin, paraben
or topical medications such as topical antihistamine and even
corticosteroids may in some cases cause exacerbation of the skin problem.
Emulsifying ointment BP
(hydrophilic ointment), oatmeal, or bran can be used as substitute to the
allergenic base of the topical preparations especially Parabens.
Bathing should be
minimized using special oily soap free from strong detergents, perfumes or
added antiseptics.
Systemic corticosteroids:
Oral or parental steroids
should be reserved for reluctant cases not responding to topical
Oral corticosteroid dose
can be given as one dose in the morning or doubled and given every 48
hours .The dose depend on the severity of the lesion, body weight and
other factors related to the patient.
In adults Intramuscular
injection of long acting steroids such as (Depot medrol) 40 mg. weekly for
2-4 weeks is usually more practical and leave no doubt in misusing the
scheduled oral doses of cortisone preparations.
intramuscular suspension in a dose of one injection 40 mg. at intervals of
2-4 weeks can also be used, giving good results and minimizing adrenal
Gwynn CM, Morrison
Smith J, Leon GL. Role of IgG4 subclass in childhood allergy. Lancet
1978; i: 910-11.
Svensson A, Edman B,
M"ller H. A diagnostic tool for atopic dermatitis based on clinical
criteria. Acta Derm Venereol 1985; 92 (Suppl. 114): 33-40. Br J Dermatol
1971; 84: 605-7.
Braathen LR. T-cell
subsets in patients with mild and severe atopic dermatitis. Acta Derm
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Jensen JR. Reduction
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